- Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Rey Misterio killed Pedro Aguayo

Mexican Wrestler Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Dies From Blow in the Ring

A Mexican wrestler died early Saturday from a blow suffered in the ring, the Baja California state prosecutor's office said.
Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, known as Hijo del Perro Aguayo, fell unconscious on the ropes, apparently after receiving a flying kick from fellow wrestler and former WWE star Oscar Gutierrez, known as Rey Mysterio Jr., according to video of the match in a municipal auditorium in Tijuana.
The match continued for almost two minutes before other participants and the referee realized Aguayo was seriously injured and tended to him. He was taken to a hospital a block away and died about 1:30 a.m. local time, prosecutor's spokesman Raul Gutierrez said.
Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, known as Hijo del Perro Aguayo 
Mexican wrestler Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, known as Hijo del Perro Aguayo, during a news conference in Mexico City on May 27, 2010.
The state prosecutor's office said it has opened an investigation into possible manslaughter. The company that reportedly organized the event, The Crash, couldn't be reached for comment.
Aguayo, 35, had wrestled for 20 years and was the son of Mexican wrestling legend Pedro "Perro" Aguayo, now retired and a member of the Aztec lucha hall of fame.
The younger Aguayo was also popular and led a group called "Los Perros de Mal," or the bad dogs. He won numerous titles, including national pairs with his father, a national heavyweight championship and the Consejo Mundial Lucha Libre world trios championship. 

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Seorang bintang gulat 'sandiwara' WWE tewas di atas ring saat bergulat di hadapan ribuan penonton. Dia yang tewas adalah Pedro Aguayo Ramirez.
Ramirez berasal dari Meksiko. Di atas ring Tijuana, dia dikena dengan nama Hijo del Perro Aguayo.

Detik-detik kematiannya di rekam. Sebab acara gulat itu ditayangkan sebuah stasiun TV, Jumat (20/3/2015) kemarin.
Terlihat Aguayo mulai tak berdaya dan tiba-tiba lemas saat dilemparkan ke tali. Dalam video itu, lawannya sempat memukul Aguayo. Pukulan itu diduga mendarat di leher Aguayo.
Wasit pun menilai Aguayo benar-benar terluka parah. Dia langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit setempat. Namun nyawanya tak tertolong. Dia meninggal dalam prjalanan.
Kejaksaan setempat sudah menyatakan akan membuka investigasi atas kasus itu. Sebab kemungkinan aksi gulat itu sudah direncanakan untuk membunuh Ramirez.
Aguayo adalah anak dari pensiunan pegulat Pedro 'Perro' Aguayo di tahun 1970-an sampai tahun 1990-an. Aguayo sudah bergulat di usia remaja.

R,I,P = 2015,
Skypedia Media Press 

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